Summer Courses For Visiting Students
Special pricing rate of $495 per 3 credit course — Save 80% per credit!
All summer courses will be online. Although courses are offered online, please note sections marked as synchronous require students to meet online at the times designated. Courses designated as asynchronous do not have set meeting times.
Special rate summer course registration is limited to a maximum of two courses per student. Students wishing to register for more than two summer courses should contact the Office of Academic Advising, Transition, and Progression at
Special pricing rate of $495 per 3 credit course — Save 80% per credit!
For the Summer I term, Students are required to pay tuition by May 10, students who enroll after May 10 will be required to pay at the time of registration. The last day to register for any course is the first day of the course.
ASL 101 Beginning American Sign Language I |Synchronous Online Course
May 28 – July 6 |Tuesday 9 a.m. – noon
Instructor: Becky Marks
This course introduces the fundamentals of American Sign Language (ASL) used by the deaf community including basic vocabulary, syntax, fingerspelling, grammatical non-manual signals, expressive and receptive signing skills, and deaf culture. Students will also learn conversational/cultural behaviors necessary to hold a beginning-level conversation in ASL with deaf/hard-of-hearing native users of the language. (3 Credits)
BA 107 Personal Money Skills | Asynchronous Online Course
May 28 – July 6
Instructor: Wenbin Tang
In this course, students learn to budget their finances, balance their checking accounts and learn about taxes, banking, consumer credit, casualty and life insurance, investment markets, stock transactions and retirement planning. (3 Credits)
BA 203 Statistics and Data Analysis for Business | Asynchronous Online Course
May 28 – July 6
Instructor: Mariam Kotachi
This course provides the student with an overview of some important analytical tools including exploratory data analysis, probability distributions, inferential statistics, hypothesis testing and analysis of variance. The two foci of attention are: 1) learning about the structure of analytical tools and 2) learning how to use these tools to analyze various phenomena and improve decision-making in business and selected non-business applications. (3 Credits)
This course fulfills ShenEd requirements.
BA 211 Principles of Financial Accounting | Asynchronous Online Course
May 28 – July 6
Instructor: Yunita Anwar
An introduction of the fundamentals of accounting which is a basic language of business. Journals, ledgers, adjusting entries and closing entries are introduced and utilized in the preparation of financial and operating statements of sole proprietorships and corporations. (3 Credits)
BA 303 Legal Environment of Business | Asynchronous Online Course
May 28 – July 6
Instructor: John Winn
This course is a study of law as it applies to ordinary business situations with focus upon the Uniform Commercial Code dealing with obligations, contracts, agency, and negotiable instruments. Prerequisite: Junior-level standing. (3 Credits)
Pre-requisites: Take 54.0 credits earning junior-level standing. – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BA 330 Introduction to Finance | Asynchronous Online Course
May 28 – July 6
Instructor: Wenbin Tang
This course is an introduction to all aspects of corporate financial management, including the role of finance in a business organization; the role of financial markets and institutions; interpretation, analysis and forecasting of financial statements; time value of money; the consumption-investment decision; the various instruments of debt and equity; and valuation methods. (3 Credits)
Pre-requisites: BA-211 and BA-203 – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BA 453 Human Resource Management & Business Ethics | Asynchronous Online Course
May 28 – August 17
Instructor: Jason Kozak
This course provides a rigorous and comprehensive approach to understanding the management of both human resources and ethics in a framework of current trends and practice. Emphasis is placed on practical, theoretical and ethical management principles as well as examples and methods for promoting good employment practices. In the study of ethics, students will gain an understanding of the day-to-day ethical and moral forces impacting employees within public organizations both domestically and internationally where local practices and cultural norms differ from our own. Through situational public policy case studies, the course highlights analysis and problem solving approaches to enhancing passion and commitment to personal and corporate honesty. In the field of human resource management, emphasis will be placed upon planning, strategy, personnel selection, equal employment, the legal environment, training, appraisal, compensation and contemporary issues. The course has been developed for the student of general management whose job will involve responsibility for principled leadership in a global environment. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): BSB senior-level standing.
BA 498 Business Internship
May 28 – August 17
Instructor: Yolanda Shields
A link between the classroom and experience on the job, the internship provides qualified students a three-way arrangement among the professor-Advisor, the employer and the student-employee. Students may obtain appropriate employment on their own or in conjunction with the internship advisor of the school of business. A minimum of two 40-hour work periods is required for each semester hour of credit for which the course is taken. (3-6 Credits)
Pre-requisites: BSB junior-level or senior-level standing and permission of the internship advisor
GGBI 121 Continued Growth General Biology & Biology Lab | Asynchronous Online Course
May 28 -June 17
Instructors: Laurel Rodgers
This course is a continuation of BIO 121 completed in the previous semester in which students will have additional opportunities to learn the material from the previously completed course. This course will provide additional lectures, learning materials, and assessments to help students better understand the material from the BIO 121 course. (0 Credits)
BIOL 121 General Biology I lab must be taken concurrently.
BIO 201 Medical Terminology |Asynchronous Online Course
May 28 -July 6
Instructor: Gregory Gallagher
The relationship of word parts to their anatomic and physiologic counterparts will be learned in this course. Students will learn to combine appropriate word parts into complete medical terms, to interpret and explain clinical pathology reports, to interpret and explain clinical laboratory results and be able to use correct abbreviations and medical scribe notation. Accurate pronunciation and spelling of complete terms will be emphasized throughout the course. This course is designed to enhance student experiences in courses such as Human Anatomy and Physiology, Pathophysiology or other clinically or medically relevant course. (3 Credits)
CYBR 401 Cybersecurity Internship
May 28 -August 15
Instructor: Anne Marchant
This course provides students with an opportunity to gain work experience in the area of cybersecurity. The internship allows students to use the skills they have learned in the classroom in practical situations. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): Students must have senior level standing and permission of the instructor to enroll.
EC 211 Principles of Macroeconomics | Asynchronous Online Course
May 28 – July 6
Instructor: Diego Marcos
Principles and problems of macroeconomics: national income, employment, inflation, economic growth, monetary and fiscal policy, interest rates, international economics and alternative economic systems. (3 Credits)
This course fulfills ShenEd requirements.
ENG 101 Composition | Asynchronous Online Course
May 28-August 17
Instructor: Lisa Wood
Instruction and practice designed to increase competence in communication, with primary emphasis on expository writing. (3 Credits)
This course fulfills ShenEd requirements.
ENG 209 Writing About Literature | Synchronous Online Course
May 28 -July 26 | Mondays & Wednesdays 11:00 a.m.-12:45 p.m.
Instructor: Rachael Hammond
This course provides an introduction to the discipline of literary studies, including the vocabulary of literary analysis and theory, and methods of interpreting, researching and writing about literature. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite: earned grade of “C-” or better in ENG 101 (or ENG 111 from VCCS).
This course fulfills ShenEd requirements.
ES 101 Intro to Environmental Studies | Asynchronous Online Course
May 28-July 6
Instructors: Allyson Degrassi
Intended for anyone interested in the environment, this course addresses the inter-related scientific, technological, economic, social, political and ethical dimensions of environmental issues. (3 Credits)
This course fulfills ShenEd requirements.
ES 101 Intro to Environmental Studies | Asynchronous Online Course
May 28-July 6
Instructors: Richard Stanford
Intended for anyone interested in the environment, this course addresses the inter-related scientific, technological, economic, social, political and ethical dimensions of environmental issues. (3 Credits)
This course fulfills ShenEd requirements.
ES 101 Honors Intro to Environmental Studies | Asynchronous Online Course
May 28-July 6
Instructors: Allyson Degrassi
Intended for anyone interested in the environment, this course addresses the inter-related scientific, technological, economic, social, political and ethical dimensions of environmental issues. (3 Credits)
This course fulfills ShenEd requirements.
ESPT 101 Introduction to Esports | Asynchronous Online Course
May 28-July 6
Instructors: Alexander Merle-Smith
This course introduces the student to the esports ecosystem including areas such as games, developers, events, leagues, facilities and history. Students will receive a broad understanding of various areas of esports through lectures and class projects.(3 Credits)
This course fulfills ShenEd requirements.
EXSC 310 Motor Learning and Control | Asynchronous Online Course
May 28-August 17
Instructor: Bradley Bowser
This course is designed to provide students with a knowledge and understanding of the acquisition and control of motor skills. Course content deals with characteristic motor development patterns with concentration on fundamental locomotor, non-locomotor, manipulative skills and perceptual motor development. The principles and theories discussed in this course will provide a framework that can be applied to clinical practice, coaching and teaching. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite: Take BIO-231 with minimum grade of C- – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
EXSC 340 Experiential Learning in Exercise Science
May 28-August 17
Instructor: Barry Parker
This course is designed to provide clinical lab experience in a work setting under the supervision of experienced professionals. (1 credit)
Prerequisite: SCE 191 or current CPR/AED certification and EXSC 270 or BIO 231 with a C- or better.
EXSC 350 Sport & Exercise Psychology | Asynchronous Online Course
May 28-July 6
Instructor: Robert Hilliard
This course examines the psychological dimensions of exercise and sport with emphasis on skill acquisition and preparation for athletic performance. Enrollment is limited to students with junior- or senior-level standing. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite: Junior standing or instructor permission
EXSC 352 Nutrition for Health & Performance | Asynchronous Online Course
May 28 – August 17
Instructor: Jessica Sansone
This course examines the effect of nutrition on health, exercise training and sport performance. Discussion will focus on essential nutrients and diet analysis, nutritional practices surrounding competition events, the use of ergogenic aids, weight management issues and best nutritional practices for strength, team and endurance athletes. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite: BIO 232 with a C-or better.
EXSC 430 Experiential Learning in Exercise Science
May 28 – August 17
Instructor: Barry Parker
This course is a 120-hour supervised field experience during the junior or senior year to provide exercise science majors an opportunity to gain practical experience in health professions, fitness/performance or discipline-related environments. This experience enables students to learn in an interactive, competency-specific environment led by credentialed, practicing professionals. Students will identify and secure placement, with instructor approval, as part of their coursework. This course is only available to EXSC majors. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite(s): EXSC 340, junior- or senior-level standing, and SCE 191 or current CPR/AED certification
GEO 202 Human Geography | Asynchronous Online Course
May 28-June 23
Instructor: Joshua Kincaid
An examination of the geographic patterns and processes of human activities and human-environment interactions, this course will emphasize geographic analyses, the interdependence of geographic scales, the influence and meaning of places and the interdependence of places in a globalizing world (3 Credits)
This course fulfills ShenEd requirements.
GLS 101 Intro to Global Studies | Asynchronous Online Course
May 28-July 6
Instructor: Eric Leonard
This course introduces students to the multi-disciplinary nature of global studies. Students will engage in an introductory discussion and analysis of globalization, the interconnectedness that results from this process and the impact it has on contemporary global issues. (3 Credits)
This course fulfills ShenEd requirements.
HIST 104 United States History II | Asynchronous Online Course
May 28-July 6
Instructor: Jess Clawson
A survey of American history from the Civil War to the present. (3 Credits)
This course fulfills ShenEd requirements.
MATH 101 College Algebra | Synchronous Online Course
May 28-July 6 | Monday through Friday 9:00-9:50 a.m.
Instructor: Teresa Haskiell
This course is an intermediate study of the functions and mathematical principles needed for precalculus. Topics include analyzing, solving and graphing linear, polynomial, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite: Math 099 or assignment through the Math Placement Test.
MATH 207 Intro to Statistics | Asynchronous Online Course
May 28-July 6
Instructor: Ralph Wojtowicz
A study of elementary statistical methods, probability, estimation, test of hypothesis, regression, correlation and time series. (3 Credits)
This course fulfills ShenEd requirements.
MCOM 150 Principles of Public Speaking | Synchronous Online Course
May 28-July 6 | Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday 11:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Instructor: Matthew Corr
An introduction to the principles of public speaking, including theory, history, and practice. This course presents both classical and contemporary theories of rhetoric while at the same time emphasizing the practical skills of public speaking. The course offers full coverage of all major aspects of speech preparation and presentation and requires student practice throughout the course. (3 Credits)
This course fulfills ShenEd requirements.
MCOM 211 Media Ethics| Asynchronous Online Course
May 28-July 6
Instructor: Gina Daddario
This course considers the ethical issues facing communication students, professional journalists, and media practitioners. Students will be provided with ethics principles, models, and theories to work through ethical issues and moral dilemmas. (3 Credits)
This course fulfills ShenEd requirements.
MCOM 335 Media Writing | Asynchronous Online Course
May 28-July 6
Instructor: Lisa Wood
This course focuses on the process of writing news stories using standard news values, basic news gathering techniques, the inverted pyramid and Associated Press style. Students will also be introduced to other types of media writing, including feature, broadcast, Web and public relations writing.(3 Credits)
MULT 273 History of Rock Music | Asynchronous Online Course
May 28-July 6
Instructor: Alanna Tierno
This course traces rock and roll from its roots in country, blues, and popular music to the present day. It examines cultural events such as the 1969 Woodstock festival, as well as specific genres, artists and topics, including the rise of MTV and the music video, rock music in Christian contexts, and alternative subgenres such as noise and college rock. By investigating how rock music illuminates issues such as gender, race, ethnicity, sexuality and other components of identity, students will gain knowledge of rock musical styles and cultural contexts. (3 Credits)
This course fulfills ShenEd requirements.
PH 101 Introduction to Public Health| Asynchronous Online Course
May 28-July 6
Instructor: Emily Miller
Public health is the science and art of preventing disease and promoting health through the organized efforts and informed choices of society, organizations, communities and individuals. This course provides an introduction to public health concepts and practice by examining the purpose, history, organization, functions, and results of public health practice. (3 Credits)
PSCI 103 Foundational Ideas in Political Society| Asynchronous Online Course
May 28-July 6
Instructor: Eric Leonard
This course entails an analysis of the evolutionary patterns of competing ideologies and how these ideologies have, and will, affect our world. The main subject of analysis is political philosophy, not history. Therefore, our foundational unit of analysis is the philosophical ideas of Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Marx, Mussolini and others. Our goal is to see how these ideas have and will shape our world and the political societies that we live in, and then to critically assess their ability to establish the “best” political society. (3 Credits)
This course fulfills ShenEd requirements.
PSY 101 General Psychology | Asynchronous Online Course
May 28-July 6
Instructor: Amanda Tintaya, Jana Flower
A basic introduction to psychology with emphasis given to such ideas as measurement, testing, learning, motivation, emotions, attitudes, social influences on behavior, personality, behavior disorders, mental health and psychotherapy. (3 Credits)
This course fulfills ShenEd requirements.
PSY 222 Lifespan Development | Asynchronous Online Course
May 28-July 6
Instructor: Karen Bucher
This course focuses on physical, social, emotional and cognitive human development from conception to the end of life, and the complex interaction between individuals and their socio-cultural environment. Relevant developmental theories, issues and research will also be addressed. (3 Credits)
PSY 310 Abnormal Psychology| Synchronous Online Course
May 28-July 6 | Monday & Wednesday 10-10:50 a.m.
Instructor: Erica Penn
This course focuses on physical, social, emotional and cognitive human development from conception to the end of life, and the complex interaction between individuals and their socio-cultural environment. Relevant developmental theories, issues and research will also be addressed. (3 Credits)
PSY 414 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder | Asynchronous Online Course
May 28-July 6
Instructor: Alida Gibson
This course focuses on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), including its history, who suffers from this disorder and the reasons behind it, its traits and characteristics and how they manifest themselves in people, as well as treatment options for those diagnosed. Also, this course considers other anxiety disorders that may present themselves along with PTSD. (3 Credits)
SHEN 120 The Science of Happy | Synchronous Online Course
May 28- July 6 | Monday, Wednesday, & Friday 11 a.m. – noon
Instructor: Karen Bucher, Catharine Gruver
This interdisciplinary course examines the concept, correlates, causes and consequences of happiness, with an emphasis on providing students with empirically supported decision-making strategies to flourish and experience subjective well-being in their own lives. (3 Credits)
This course fulfills ShenEd requirements.
SLP 400 Introduction to Communication Disorders | Asynchronous Online Course
May 28 – July 6
Instructor: TBA
This course provides an overview of communication disorders (CD) including: speech, language, cognition, and hearing, along with their effects on patients, families and caregivers. The classifications, descriptions and pathologies of these disorders, as well as their evaluation and treatments, are discussed. The effects of linguistic diversity and culture on communication will be introduced. In addition, the role and professional responsibilities of the speech-language pathologist along with requirements to enter the profession are explored. (3 Credits)
SLP 401 Normal Speech and Language Development | Asynchronous Online Course
May 28 – July 6
Instructor: Kelli York
This course covers the normal acquisition of speech and language across the lifespan. Normal development of language, cognition, perpetual, motor, emotional and social skills are taught. Theories of language and cultural influence on language development are explored. (3 Credits)
Prerequisites: BIO 231 or BIO 232 & SLP 400
SLP 402 Speech and Hearing Anatomy & Physiology| Asynchronous Online Course
May 28 – July 6
Instructor: Jasmyne Speller
This course will discuss the pathophysiology of the orofacial and thoracic structures, functions and systems. Emphasis will be placed on most commonly treated speech, cognitive, language and hearing disorders. (3 Credits)
Prerequisites: BIO 121 BIO 231 or BIO 232 & SLP 400
SLP 403 Audiology| Asynchronous Online Course
May 28 – July 6
Instructor: Paris Florence
This course discusses the profession of audiology, the human auditory system and audiologic hearing evaluation. Students will learn the causes and rehabilitative treatments of persons with hearing disorders. (3 Credits)
Prerequisites: SLP 400 & SLP 402 and PHYS 111
SLP 404 Phonetics| Asynchronous Online Course
May 28 – July 6
Instructor: Kelli York
This course is an overview of the acoustical and physiological bases of speech production. The International Phonetic Alphabet will be introduced. In addition, this course includes a broad coverage of phonetic transcription, place and manner of articulation, air stream mechanism and speech perceptions for the purpose of clinical application. (3 Credits)
Prerequisites: SLP 400, BIO 231 or BIO 232
SLP 405 Speech Science| Asynchronous Online Course
May 28 – July 6
Instructor: Paris Florence
This course is the study of speech production along with the acoustic characteristics of speech and hearing. Emphasis will be on normal speech perception, speech science theory, instrumentation and production (3 Credits)
Prerequisites: SLP 400, SLP 404, SLP 402, SLP 403, PHYS 111
SLP 406 Clinical Observations in Communication
May 28 – August 17
Instructor: Katrina Miller
This course provides guided activities and assignments to direct students through observations of speech, language and cognitive evaluation and treatment sessions. Students will observe evaluation and therapy sessions of a licensed, certified speech-language pathologist. There is a classroom component and video based observations may be utilized. A minimum of 25 observation hours across disorders, therapy locations, ethnicity and age is required for successful completion of this course. (1 Credit)
Prerequisite(s): SLP 400 Introduction to Communication Disorders, SLP 401 Normal Speech and Language Development, SLP 404 Phonetics
SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology| Asynchronous Online Course
May 28-July 6
Instructor: Lawrence Eppart
Designed to acquaint the student with the general field of sociology, the course surveys sociological concepts, processes and mechanisms of group behavior, the community and its structure, social organization and interaction and culture and personality. (3 Credits)
This course fulfills ShenEd requirements.
SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I | Asynchronous Online Course
May 28-July 6
Instructor: Adela Borrallo-Solis
For students with two semesters of college Spanish or two to three years of high school Spanish. Students will increase vocabulary, improve comprehension and fluency, and will be able to carry out all basic language functions. (3 Credits)
This course fulfills ShenEd requirements.
TH 351 History of Theatre| Asynchronous Online Course
May 28-July 6
Instructor: Christopher Gross
This course covers the development of European and Asian drama, theatre architecture, companies and styles from antiquity to the early modern period. (3 Credits)
Special pricing rate of $495 per 3 credit course — Save 80% per credit!
For the Summer II term, Students are required to pay tuition by June 14, students who enroll after June 14 will be required to pay at the time of registration. The last day to register for any course is the first day of the course.
ASL 102 Beg American Sign Language II | Synchronous Online Course
July 8 – August 17 |Tuesday 9 a.m. – noon
Instructor: Becky Marks
This course is for students who have demonstrated competency in American Sign Language (ASL) through the first semester of university instruction. Students will continue to build their knowledge of the fundamentals of ASL used by the deaf community including vocabulary, syntax, fingerspelling, grammatical non-manual signals, expressive and receptive signing skills and deaf culture. Students will also expand their knowledge of conversational/cultural behaviors necessary to hold a beginning-level conversation in ASL with deaf/hard-of-hearing native users of the language. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite: ASL 101.
BA 212 Principles of Managerial Accounting | Asynchronous Online Course
July 8 – August 17
Instructor: Martin Mulyadi
An introduction to the use of financial statements including the income statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows. Topics include cost, applications such as break-even analysis, inventory management and ratio analysis, and budgetary planning and control. (3 Credits)
BA 302 Quantitative Methods | Asynchronous Online Course
July 8 – August 17
Instructor: Miriam Kotachi
This course provides the student with an overview of some of the quantitative (mathematically and statistically based) methods that are commonly used to support business decision-making. Course emphasis is on business applications – not on mathematics and statistics. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite: BA 203
BA 307 Intro to Management and Organization Behavior | Asynchronous Online Course
July 8 – August 17
Instructor: Jonathan Chatfield
This course introduces students to the fundamental concepts of management systems to include roles, ethical behavior, planning/strategy, structure/organization, leadership, control and change. In like manner, the behavioral aspects of individuals in organizations will be studied. These include improvement of individual, group and organizational behavior, including group dynamics. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite: Junior-level standing
BA 360 Introduction to Marketing | Asynchronous Online Course
July 8 – August 17
Instructor: Mrinalini Choudhary
Basic marketing functions, institutions, and concepts are studied with emphasis on the “4 Ps of Marketing,” which are involved in the creation, pricing, promotion, distribution, and sale of goods and services in industrial and consumer markets. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite: BSB junior-level standing (or BA 112 for minor in entrepreneurship)
BA 395 Intro to Operations and Supply Chain Management | Asynchronous Online Course
July 8 – August 17
Instructor: Adem Pinar
This course considers operations and supply chain management as a management process across the full spectrum of business from the sourcing of raw materials to delivery of goods and services to the final consumers. Operations and supply chain management integrates procurement, production, and logistics processes to provide a seamless and efficient delivery of the final product or service to the final consumers. (3 Credits)
Prerequisites: BBA Junior Level Standing and BA 302
BIO 121 General Biology & Lab | Asynchronous & Hybrid Online Course
July 8 – August 17
Instructor: Ana Leal Cervantes & Laurel Nida
General Biology is a two-course sequence that examines the ideas and methods basic to an understanding of contemporary biology. This first course focuses on the fundamental theories of biology, historically significant discoveries, classification of organisms, the chemical basis of life, cell biology and heredity. Three lecture hours plus three laboratory hours per week. (4 Credits)
This course fulfills ShenEd requirements.
CSC 121 Intro to Computer Programming | Synchronous Online Course
July 8 – August 17| Monday through Friday 10-10:50 a.m.
Instructor: Sara Hosseunioun
This course will introduce students to several topics in computer programming as well as an overview of computer science. It will investigate parts of a program along with several programming techniques and debugging. Students will learn the basics of computer programming, how to write simple programs and develop and implement algorithms to solve problems. No previous programming experience is required. (3 Credits)
Requirements: MacBook less than 4 years old, an up-to-date Chrome web browser, and high speed internet connection
CSC 122 Intro to Computer Programming II| Synchronous Online Course
July 8 – August 17 | Monday through Friday 11 – 11:50 a.m.
Instructor: Sara Hosseunioun
This course is a continuation of CSC 121. In this course, students will develop advanced computer programming skills and the ability to write longer programs. The course will combine lecture and workshop to allow students to further develop skills in computer programming. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite: Earned grade of “C-” or better in CSC121.
EC 212 Principles of Microeconomics| Asynchronous Online Course
July 8-August 17
Instructor: Diego Marcos
Principles and problems of microeconomics: price, value and distribution, and economic decision making under different market structures. Emphasis is placed on the efficient allocation of resources by firms and owners of the factors of production. (3 Credits)
This course fulfills ShenEd requirements.
ES 101 Intro to Environmental Studies| Synchronous Online Course
July 8-August 17 | Dates TBA
Instructor: Richard Stanford
Intended for anyone interested in the environment, this course addresses the inter-related scientific, technological, economic, social, political and ethical dimensions of environmental issues. (3 Credits)
This course fulfills ShenEd requirements.
GLS 101 Intro to Global Studies| Asynchronous Online Course
July 8 – August 17
Instructor: Eric Leonard
This course introduces students to the multi-disciplinary nature of global studies. Students will engage in an introductory discussion and analysis of globalization, the interconnectedness that results from this process and the impact it has on contemporary global issues. (3 Credits)
This course fulfills ShenEd requirements.
HIST 104 United States History II | Asynchronous Online Course
July 8-August 17
Instructor: Jeff Coker
A survey of American history from the Civil War to the present. (3 Credits)
This course fulfills ShenEd requirements.
KNS 252 Personal & Community Health| Asynchronous Online Course
July 8 – August 17
Instructor: Philip Liversedge
Designed to develop attitudes and practices that contribute to better individual and group health. Emphasis is placed upon current health issues and decision making in health behaviors and health needs. (3 Credits)
MATH 102 Precalculus | Synchronous Online Course
July 8 – August 17 | Monday through Friday 9-9:50 a.m.
Instructor: Teresa Haskiell
This precalculus course is for students continuing their study of mathematics. Topics include trigonometry, conics, non-Euclidean coordinates, basic principles of sums and series and other topics. (3 Credits)
Prerequisites: Math 101 or assignment through the Math Placement Test.
This course fulfills ShenEd requirements.
MATH 207 Intro to Statistics| Synchronous Online Course
July 8 – August 17 | Monday through Friday 10-10:50 a.m.
Instructor: Jennifer House
A study of elementary statistical methods, probability, estimation, test of hypothesis, regression, correlation and time series. (3 Credits)
Prerequisites: Two years of high school algebra and one year of geometry
This course fulfills ShenEd requirements.
MCOM 211 Media Ethics | Asynchronous Online Course
July 8 – August 17
Instructor: Gina Daddario
This course considers the ethical issues facing communication students, professional journalists, and media practitioners. Students will be provided with ethics principles, models, and theories to work through ethical issues and moral dilemmas. (3 Credits)
This course fulfills ShenEd requirements.
MCOM 227 Media Literacy | Asynchronous Online Course
July 8 – August 17
Instructor: Matt Corr
This course considers the many hours spent tuned in to cell phones, laptops, satellite/cable/online television, newspapers, among other media and digital devices, and is designed to provide students with the necessary knowledge and critical skills to become literate media consumers. The course also traces the roots of today’s digital and social media to their earlier origins. (3 Credits)
MCOM 350 Business & Professional Communication | Asynchronous Online Course
July 8- August 17
Instructor: Kelley Crowley
This course is designed to familiarize students with the kinds of oral and written communications needed to succeed in business and professional contexts, and to develop in them the skills needed for effective communication in a variety of organizational settings. The course also explores theories of persuasion, group dynamics and management to increase student awareness and understanding of underlying communication process. (3 Credits)
PHYS 105 The Physical Universe Lecture and Lab | Asynchronous Online Course
July 8 – August 17
Instructor: Mazin Khasawneh
This is a conceptual survey course covering the basic principles of physics and space science. Emphasis will be placed on developing an appreciation of the subject as it relates to everyday phenomena and to socially relevant physical science issues. The course is specifically designed for the non-technical student and requires only minimal fluency in mathematics. (4 Credits)
This course fulfills ShenEd requirements.
SHEN 110 Finding Your Voice| Synchronous Online Course
July 8- August 17 | Monday, Wednesday, & Friday 10 a.m. – noon
Instructor: Pamela Ghanem
This course emphasizes the traits of effective communicators and explores and develops their oral communication skills. Emphasis is placed on speaking and listening with authenticity, improving communication confidence and understanding how oral communication messages are constructed. (3 Credits)
This course fulfills ShenEd requirements.
SHEN 120 Pursuing Happiness: The Art & Science of Decision Making | Synchronous Online Course
July 8 – August 17 | Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday 11 a.m. – noon
Instructor: Amy Sarch
This interdisciplinary course examines the concept, correlates, causes and consequences of happiness, with an emphasis on providing students with empirically supported decision-making strategies to flourish and experience subjective well-being in their own lives. (3 Credits)
This course fulfills ShenEd requirements.
SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology | Asynchronous Online Course
July 8- August 17
Instructor: Lawrence Eppard
Designed to acquaint the student with the general field of sociology, the course surveys sociological concepts, processes and mechanisms of group behavior, the community and its structure, social organization and interaction and culture and personality. (3 Credits)
This course fulfills ShenEd requirements.
SPAN 202, Intermediate Spanish II | Asynchronous Online Course
July 8 – August 17
Instructor: Adela Borrallo-Solis
For students with three semesters of college Spanish or three to four years of high school Spanish. Students will increase vocabulary and improve comprehension and fluency. By the end of the course, students will have been exposed to essentially all of the structure of the language and will be able to follow a conversation between native speakers at normal speed. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite: SPAN 201 or Spanish Placement Exam.
This course fulfills ShenEd requirements.
Cost & Payment
Shenandoah’s summer, online undergraduate courses are being offered for a special discounted rate of $495 per 3 credit course.
Tuition for 1 credit courses is $165 and 4 credit courses is $660.
For the Summer I term, payment is due by May 10, students who enroll after May 10 will be required to pay at the time of registration.
For the Summer II term, payment is by June 15, students who enroll after June 15 will be required to pay at the time of registration.
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Questions about registration or payment for summer courses? Contact Hornet Central at